Weekend Writing Warriors

Hi everyone! Hope your summer is going well. So far, mine has been wonderful and so packed with fun it’s hard to get writing time.That said,  I’ve been at the beach this week for a  family reunion. ***A Note: Thank you, Google Blog Authors who’ve...

Weekend Writing Warriors

Good morning, everyone. During the last week, I immersed myself in writing Eazy Loving, the sequel to PHATT Farm. My creative marathon happened at the expense of the dishes, the laundry, and a few of the meals. My husband brought dinner home with him, and kept things...

Weekend Writing Warriors

  Good morning, everyone. I helped my daughter and her family move to Pittsburgh last week and I’m beat. My apologies if I didn’t leave a comment on your blog. I’ll try to do better this week. Find more Weekend Writing Warriors  here.          ...

Weekend Writing Warriors

Happy June, everyone! It’s sneezing season. I’ve missed being here, but life intervened again… And still, I return the moment I get a chance because I enjoy Sundays with you. Find more Weekend Writing Warriors  here.            And check here...

Weekend Writing Warriors

Find more Weekend Writing Warriors  here.            And check here for  Snippet Sunday Facebook writers. Happy New Year, everyone! I’m posting one last time from Smoke, Inc. 3, Rhythm to finish the year. Last week Holly barfed all over Marty’s shoes. I...

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