by Gem | Feb 20, 2021 | Blog, Blog Hops, Eclipse, McCallisters, Snippet Sunday, Weekend Writing Warriors
Hi everyone. I’m sorry I missed last weekend but decided to visit my daughter in Pittsburgh on Valentine’s Day. When I returned home, I no sooner wrote the ending to Wild Boys than I started working on a follow-up, this time featuring Sam as he revisits...
by Gem | Feb 6, 2021 | Blog, Blog Hops, Eclipse, McCallisters, Snippet Sunday, Weekend Writing Warriors
Hello everyone. On Ground Hog Day, the wood-chuck in our neighborhood could not have seen his shadow because it was raining, then sleeting, then snowing all day and not once did the sun peep out. So… spring, right? Today, I’m sharing another snippet...
by Gem | Jan 30, 2021 | Blog, Blog Hops, McCallisters, Sunday Snippets, Weekend Writing Warriors
Hello everyone. I’m continuing my MacCallister boys-to-men story in my blog today. Previous last line: “…he missed the stealthy approach of the Indian braves slipping soundlessly through the night.” The McCallisters Charlie didn’t realize...
by Gem | Jan 23, 2021 | Blog, Blog Hops, Eclipse, McCallisters, Snippet Sunday, Weekend Writing Warriors
Hello everyone. Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors. I am continuing with my boys-to-men story today. One question seemed to crop up more than any other. Why are they going to see a witch? My answer—because they’re kids and kids do...
by Gem | Jan 16, 2021 | Blog, McCallisters, Snippet Sunday, Weekend Writing Warriors
Hi everyone. Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors. For all those who have stopped by in the last couple of weeks, thank you so much for your comments and feedback. With your help, I’ll continue to meander along in the 19th century,...
by Gem | Jan 9, 2021 | Blog, Eclipse, Snippet Sunday, Weekend Writing Warriors
Hi everyone. I’m back blogging and re-discovering the fun. Last week I opened the new year with a snippet from a boys-to-men adventure story I’m writing, currently tagged with the McCallister 1866 identifier. I don’t have a title yet and...