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Hi all. I’m hurrying in this morning to share another snippet from Blood Stoned.  Tentative release date August 11.

Find more Weekend Writing Warriors  here.

From Blood Stoned~

My gift kicked in about the time I turned ten, as if it had been waiting for me to grow into it. It wasn’t more than a day after my birthday when my step-daddy carried one of his friends home for Mama to tend.

The poor man had been gut shot and Mama said she couldn’t do a thing.

“Let me, Mama,” I still remember saying. I didn’t know a thing about what I was doing and was scared, sure as sin; but I lost the will to manage my own limbs and walked right up to the bed and laid my hands on that man.

His stomach spit out the bullet, the veins knitted back together, and then the skin closed up real pretty leaving not even so much as a scar. He lived but I wasn’t sure I would.

My skin had stretched tight, bloated with magic, which at the time I didn’t recognize.

When my feet floated above the floor of our cabin, my step-daddy—who was not a religious man—crossed himself,  took my arm, pulled me to the door, shoved me outside, and barred the door behind me.

© 2015 Gem Sivad LLC. All rights reserved.

Beautiful young witch casting a spell

Have a great week, everyone!!


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