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Hi everyone. I’m out of the saddle and back in Bitter Creek Holler this weekend with my bear shifter, Shep Buchanan and his witchy mate, Rhee Hess, in Ursus Horribilis. 

“How much do you weigh?”

Shep couldn’t turn his head to answer let alone get up and out of the rain; but he could hear, and he thought Rhee’s inquiry odd. Before he could muster an answer, she crouched by his side, sliding one of her arms under his shoulders and the other beneath his hips.

“You can’t…” his words slurred into nothing as he tried to explain that he was too big for her to carry; and apparently he was wrong anyway.

She launched herself up and lifted him with her. It felt as if he’d been sucked into a whirlpool. His two hundred and thirty pound frame became weightless in her arms, pressure squeezed his skull, and his stomach heaved, as a current of static electricity brushed over, then through him.  And then he was inside the witch’s house.

© 2015 Gem Sivad LLC. All rights reserved.

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Find more Weekend Writing Warriors  here.

Have a great week, everyone!!


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