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Hi everyone. I’m taking a break from the Old West this week to share a snippet from my current wip which is a contemporary romantic suspense. I’m working in first person POV in this series (Smoke, Inc.) and it’s a nice change-up from my third person voice in the Eclipse Heat books.

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Creative punctuation to get this scene in ten. No cover, working title, Rhythm.

“I’m Marty Jones; let’s get this show on the road,” my dance partner growled his introduction and reached for me, frowning down as if I’d kept him waiting.


“I’ve been ready for an hour,” I answered turning my back on him to dance solo, leaving him to figure out how to follow. My partners until now had been shorter than me so I always navigated.


“I’m boss,” Marty disagreed.


Suddenly, his long legs framed my long legs, his big thighs  plastered to the back of mine, and his hand moved from where he’d placed it on my hip to my stomach.  He surrounded me with his body, demonstrating his authority as he pressed me backward against his massive frame.


He rocked left, my body followed; he rocked right…yeah, you get the picture; he was stronger than me and had me locked in place.


”Okay, tutorial over,” I muttered.


“Ready?” he murmured in my ear right before he snapped me out, unfurling me like a ribbon at the end of his arm. When he pulled me back, I wasn’t prepared for the lift and toss; before he caught me, I’d shrieked louder than Little Richard screaming Good Golly Miss Molly.
©Gem Sivad 2016


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